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We have been working on a big project recently, and it has come to fruition this week, as we feature in Business Reporter Best of British Business award hosted on the Independent.co.uk. This award recognises that SMEs are the backbone of UK economic success, and also promotes, supports, and inspires small and medium sized enterprises from around the UK, focusing on the diversity of “brand Britain”.

During the last decade, we have worked hard to establish ourselves as a leading provider of 3D printed polymer parts using powder bed fusion (PBF) processes, specifically Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Multi-Jet Fusion (MJF). For batch production and highly functional parts using 3D printing both the SLS and MJF processes compare well with each other, with each tipping the other in a few key areas. By running both systems we can now deliver the very best polymer parts specific to our clients’ individual application/s.

We welcomed a team at our premises in Leyton Industrial Village in North London to film what we do, and how we do it. The resulting video can be seen HERE and is extremely useful as it is able to convey — in a way that words alone cannot —just what we can achieve through 3D printing, and the size and extent of our premises. Size is not everything, but when acting as a 3D print service supplier, it is very important as it means we can accommodate more 3D printing machines (which increases our capacity), as well as a range of post-processing technologies that mean we deliver optimised parts and components to our extensive customer base.

A big thank you to Open Bionics, Komodo Simulations, 76 Projects, Rogue Design and Emteq for featuring in our video.
The video does a great job of showcasing our entire 10,000 square feet HQ as well as providing visibility on our growing fleet of SLS and MJF machines. If you watch the video, you’ll also see all the ancillary equipment for post processing, including vibro polishing, shot peening, and colour dyeing kit.

Nick (our MD) is interviewed for the video and does a great job of explaining one of our core competencies, specifically how we are able to offer a reliable and flexible manufacturing service that bridges the huge gap that exists between prototyping and injection moulding in a highly efficient way, overcoming the limitations that alternative processes such as CNC machining and vacuum casting present.

While we have been working with 3D printing technologies for many years, we are aware that there are many companies that either do not fully understand the potential of 3D printing, or feel that the shift from traditional manufacturing processes would be too difficult or too costly. This project has given us a highly accessible way of explaining the possibilities that exist through the use of 3D printing in terms of innovation, and also allows us to demonstrate that in fact, the technology is an easily accessible and often extremely cost-effective alternative to injection moulding or other traditional manufacturing processes. We are delighted to be showcased alongside an array of amazing British companies for the Best of British Business Award.